The guest account has been set up for one reason only: to enable people to try the BBS without setting up an account.
If you call in as a Guest and decide you want to set up an account, follow these steps:
1. Log off.
2. If you're calling in with the Client software, use the Settings button or command to change the UserID and Password in the settings file. Create a UserID with your own name (your first initial followed by last name like "JDoe" is preferred) and whatever Password you want to use.
3. Log in with your own UserID and Password.
4. Fill out the questionnaire that appears. (Failure to complete the questionnaire will cause your account to be deleted within 24 hours.)
5. If you haven't already done so, read the New User Info messages.
6. Go to the Main Message Area folder and create and send a brand new message introducing yourself to other callers. (Failure to do this will cause your account to be deleted within one week of log on.)
Do not attempt to leave messages for me or any other caller while logged on with the Guest account. These messages will not be delivered. In addition, unless you have a regular account, I cannot respond to your messages.
If you do not understand this procedure or want more information about how to get additional privileges on this BBS, please read the messages in the New User Info conference.